Yea, and funny thing is I called him MULTIPLE times. Same thing happened with Barry. Invited me on, then couldn't go through with it because he couldn't handle the "stress." That's what these podcast nerds do: Invite you to sound tough, then bail because they can't handle being douched to their face. It's always behind people's backs.
Quit being a pussy Gunwitch. I want to do the show IN STUDIO... that is, if you have the balls.
See the thing is this. You can even ask Yuriy (I told him I planned to waste sex gods time for being a bitch). I had planned to put sexgod on hold for the entire show then not have him ever come on, just to waste his time cause he is such a lame ass.
He didn't show up
. He fuckin lies his ass off. He legit is a pussy for real, not just an internet insult festival thing, but a legit real 100% wimp, to sit duck and dodge even talking on a podcast to someone.
Watch now he will admit it and say "I knew Gun was just gonna waste my time so I didn't go on". And stick his foot in his own mouth like an idiot or something.
And yeah see when someone messages on skype, or calls on skype, or my phone rings etc I hear it or see a notification. Like when Barrybankruptcy messaged. But I had a guest goin already in that case.
However sex god calling me "directly" two times is total bullshit and he knows it the fuckin taint chunch.
Why would I wait the entire show? You seem to think I care THAT much about you or your dumb show when all I want to do is douche you out "in person." 5-10 mins max and I would've fucking left for you wasting my godamn time. Then you woulda probably said I "Hung up because I was too pussy" or some shit.
And yes I did fucking call you, faggot. Shows what an idiot you are that you can't work skype. Funny how Yurueay wasn't even on the show but you have him waiting for me?? Seems like you would've had him on the show if he was there.
But of course, you don't mind throwing around random lies to make it seem like I didn't want to go on the show. When in fact you made it as hard as possible to get in touch with you, with me calling multiple times and you don't even get in contact.
What a bitch.
Wow, Really Fag God? You can't come up with anything more creative than calling Gunwitch the same exact insult he called you?
I was actually expecting a lot more from an
with 1000+ posts...
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Yeah sure, you'll talk about whatever you want from behind the confines of your shitty little computer screen within your mother's basement... But the truth is, we all know you'll never have the balls to reveal your true sissy voice for all to hear
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Gee who would have that.....some internet troll that has over 200+ post on two seperate accounts doesn't have the balls to talk shit to people's faces and puss' out when asked to do so. What a true fag! Sex God is a 20 year old pussy!
Gunwitch you dickless bitch, now if you want me on the show(and I know you do, because you have shitty guests and your podcast/life depends on it you suicidal freak) you're going to have to get me IN STUDIO.
Masterpiece already donated 20 for that and 100s more will come in because everyone is obsessed with me and wants it to happen.
We'll discuss forum shit and I'll tell you what I really think of you to your face. But I bet you won't even be able to make eye contact because you just play a tough guy on the internet.
In reality you're just a fat slob with a creative imagination. Never been in a fight in your life.
Make it happen, that is, if you're not a little bitch.
I knew Sex god was a pussy....... but not of bliblical purportions. I been at him since my Sarah and Ultima days....... trying to expose this slimeball. Im surprised he spent hours on the boost your post count thread, just to get 1,000 posts. there are pussys... and then theres the legends of the legends.. sex god
I am a
. It's time you finally came to your senses Ultima. Feels good to admit the truth, huh?
Sex God, a household name.
The funniest, most creative, most interesting poster/person alive, and on any forum. I am the greatest. The best around.
This thread is testament to that. I put the asses in the seats.
your guns and and ultimas bitch. i dont know why your smiling you delusional bitch. your a super pussy. at least ultima had the balls to go on Skype and talk shit on you on Friday verbally. where were you?
At least ultima has the balls to post as a girl. now that is real confidence. I think ultima is a fag who needs help. but your worse. your go suck edward cullen sparkling dick. FAG God!